Is Your Grout Looking Grotty?

Is Your Grout Looking Grotty?

It'll look as good as new with tile and grout cleaning services in the Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, AL areas

Your tile flooring looked incredible when it was first installed. But now the grout looks dirty and discolored. You don't have to replace your entire floor-M & L Window Cleaning and Floors, LLC provides tile and grout cleaning services in Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, AL, and surrounding areas.

Our crew can clean the tile and grout to restore its original color. We remove dirt, bacteria and mold so you can rest assured that your floor is clean.

Contact us now to schedule a tile and grout cleaning service in the Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, AL or surrounding areas area.

Don't try to clean tile and grout yourself

Tile and grout cleaning might seem like a do-it-yourself project, but you can damage your flooring if you clean incorrectly. M & L Window Cleaning and Floors uses the correct cleaning solution for each environment to make sure your tile and grout get a deep clean without being damaged. Our cleaners can also scrub at the surface without accidentally chipping the tile or stripping the grout.

Give us a call at (205) 310-4642 for a tile and grout cleaning service.