For commercial window cleaning, you should get your windows cleaned on a regular basis due to the volume of clients or customers coming in and out of your building. No one wants to have dinner at a dirty restaurant or shop at a storefront with dirty windows! For residential window cleaning, this should be done annually to keep up with regular home maintenance.
2.How often should I wax my floors?
For a floor in a commercial space, waxing should be done twice a year to keep your floors protected from scratches and scuff marks. A biannual wax should also be followed by a quarterly burnishing of spray buffing between annual stripping and waxing jobs.
3.What is included in your office cleaning services?
Our office cleaning services can include weekly or biweekly services, along with monthly. This will include general cleaning of office spaces: carpet vacuuming, sweeping/mopping floors, dusting and polishing of office desks, full bathroom cleaning, and wiping down mirrors. For our deep cleaning services, this is generally done annually, including general cleaning and a focus on wiping everything down along with baseboard wiping and spiderweb cleanings.
4.What types of products do you use?
The products we use for cleaning are eco-friendly and harmless to the environment. We use safe products to ensure your floors are well maintained after we strip, wax, and polish them.
5.Are you covered by insurance?
All property is insured with our property damage insurance.